Making a Difference: The Advantages of Print & Digital Advertising

Making a Difference: The Advantages of Print and Digital Advertising
Sun, 05/28/2023 - 09:18 am

Marketing your business is crucial to its success, and in the modern era, many businesses are turning to digital advertising. However, recent research shows that print media is just as effective as digital, delivering a tangible and engaging message. In fact, both print and digital advertising can work together to deliver a powerful marketing solution. In this article, we'll explore the advantages of print and digital advertising and how they can benefit your brand.

Print Wins Over Email

When it comes to marketing, email advertising is a popular choice for digital marketers. However, research has shown that print media is actually 35% more engaging than email advertising. Seventy percent of consumers say that it is mail, rather than email, that makes them feel appreciated and gives them an overall better impression of the company that sent it. This demonstrates the added value that printed materials have over their digital counterparts.

Tangible and Trustworthy

The tangibility of print advertising allows it to create a sense of trust and reliability with consumers. In an age where digital information can be easily manipulated, print advertisements provide a sense of stability and authenticity. This can help to build brand loyalty and improve your business's reputation.

Better ROI

Print advertising has been shown to provide a better return on investment (ROI) than email advertising. A study by Marketreach found that the response rate for physical mail was 4.4%, compared to just 0.12% for email advertising. This indicates that print advertising can be more effective in generating leads and driving sales for your business.

Print Remains Steady

Although print and digital advertising can complement each other well, print remains steady on its own. There's something special about the tangible feeling of holding a magazine and knowing the information is fresh and relevant when it's delivered to your mailbox every month. Publications like Klamath Living Magazine offer family-friendly content, glossy pages, local events, and captivating images – all of which make it the perfect place to highlight your Klamath Falls business.

Local Engagement

Another advantage of print advertising is its ability to engage with a local audience. Community sponsorship and targeted advertisements in local publications can help to increase your business's visibility and establish a strong presence in your area. This can lead to increased foot traffic, word-of-mouth advertising, and ultimately, more sales.

SEO Benefits

While it may seem counterintuitive, print advertising can also have a positive impact on your business's digital presence. By including your website and social media handles in your print ads, you can drive traffic to your online platforms and improve your search engine optimization (SEO). This can help to boost your online visibility and attract even more customers to your business.

Print and Digital: A Powerful Combination

Print media is so powerful that it can actually increase consumers' brain response to social media advertising. A recent study measured brain response to social media ads alone versus social media ads seen after receiving print mail, and the results were incredible: It increased consumers' brain response by 44%. Another study found that online marketing campaigns that included print produced 163% more profits than campaigns that used digital media alone. This indicates that a combination of print and digital advertising is a powerful marketing choice.

Multi-Channel Marketing

By utilizing both print and digital advertising methods, you can create a multi-channel marketing strategy that reaches a wider audience and maximizes your brand's exposure. This can lead to increased brand awareness, customer engagement, and ultimately, business growth.

Reinforcing Your Message

Using both print and digital advertising allows you to reinforce your marketing message across multiple platforms, ensuring that it reaches your target audience and has a lasting impact. This can help to improve the overall effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and drive better results for your business.

Leveraging Data and Analytics

Combining print and digital advertising also allows you to leverage the data and analytics available from your digital campaigns to inform your print marketing efforts. By analyzing the performance of your digital advertisements, you can identify the most effective messaging and design elements to incorporate into your print ads, ensuring that they resonate with your target audience.

Building a Cohesive Brand

Incorporating both print and digital advertising into your marketing strategy allows you to create a cohesive brand image across all platforms. This can help to strengthen your brand identity and make it more memorable and recognizable to consumers.


Both print and digital advertising have their unique advantages, but when combined, they can offer a powerful and effective marketing solution for your business. By leveraging the strengths of each medium and creating a cohesive, multi-channel marketing strategy, you can improve your brand's visibility, drive customer engagement, and ultimately, achieve greater success for your Klamath Falls business.


Image Source: Unsplash